colon cancer

Colon Cancer Signs And Symptoms

Colon Cancer Signs And Symptoms Colon cancer is the growth of cancer cells or tumor which develops in intestine. Colon cancer and rectal cancer may occur together and called colorectal cancer. Colon cancer starts in the large intestine with polyps in the wall of the intestine. There may not be any symptoms in the early stage, but some gastrointestinal problems …

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Stomach cancer

Facts About Stomach Cancer

Facts About Stomach Cancer Stomach is known as gastric cancer, which is the fifth most common cancer world wide. Stomach cancer has fallen down, but the cancer in the junction of stomach and esophagus has increased. There is no certain cause why some stomach cells mutate and become cancerous. It is not known why only a few people develop stomach …

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Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptoms Lung cancer generally does not show any signs and symptoms in the early stages. The symptoms appear in the advance stage of lung cancer. The symptoms include a persistent cough that doesn’t go away, Coughing up blood Shortness of breath Pain in the Chest Wheezing and Hoarseness Unexplained weight Loss Swelling of face and neck. Headache and …

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ReactJS Tutorial

ReactJS Tutorial ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. ReactJS was one of the first JavaScript-connected projects released as open source by Facebook. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. Complex React applications usually require the use …

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What is Java and why it is used?

What is Java and why it is used? Java is a popular and dynamic programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Micro-systems in 1995. Java is fast, reliable, secure and free to download. Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented programming language, evolved from OAK Language. Java is one of the most popular programming …

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