E-Mail Marketing Tips

email mrketingE-Mail Marketing Tips


E-mail marketing is by far one of the most successful and cost-effective ways of marketing your small business. Finding a way to collect e-mail addresses allows you to send marketing messages to potential customers for as long as they remain a subscriber. Most people will not buy your product or service the first time they land on your sales page. In fact it usually takes up to 5 to 7 encounters with a particular product pitch before most people decide to buy. Here are a few tips to help you create successful e-mail marketing campaigns:

  1. Think of it as a salesperson who suddenly barged into your property. You would surely feel threatened about it. It’s the same thing with e-mail marketing. Personal e-mail accounts, most especially, are treated as private spaces by their owners. You need to ask permission that you can send them e-mails regularly. You have to sign them up into your mailing lists.
  2. Depending on the content and intent of your e-mail, you’ll need to select who to send it to. Some e-mails are applicable to your entire target list. Others are not. Be aware that sending an e-mail that’s not relevant to your audience is a quick way to lose that customer and/or have them opt-out of all future e-mails.
  3. Getting an email address can be easy. Make sure you do have permission to start sending information before you put them on your email list. There are a few reasons to do this. For one, it tends to upset many people when they start getting email they didn?t request.
  4. When you have a link that you want your readers to see, don?t just put it once. Put it down two or more times, depending on the length of your message. At least near the beginning and end. By doing this your readers will see the link and have more motivation to visit it. This has been tested multiple times and has been shown to increase link visitation frequency from email messages.
  5. Be very particular and clear while writing a subject of the email remembering if the reader does not find it considerable enough, he/she will definitely not takes the pain to read the whole matter, however it may be important. An inbox is filled with the dozens of messages. An appropriate subject increases the reading probability among the recipients of email and also decides that how much concern the reader will render to the message.
  6. Be respectful. Always include an opt out message at the bottom of the page. Include clear instructions and a link for opting out of future mailings. Not only will this save you the headache of dealing with people that really want off your list, it builds trust in clients that are actually reading your emails.
  7. While javascript is frequently used on web sites, it should not be included in your email marketing campaigns. Because all major email clients will strip out the javascript anyway, it?s just a waste of your time to develop an email that requires javascript to function. It may also hurt your deliverability and land you in the spam folder. There is one more defect using this Javascript is most email clients will register javascript as a virus.
  8. The subject line is the most essential element of email message content. The subject line should always make sense and should standout. Create the content of your message absolutely clear and easily readable. Go for the inverted pyramid model of message construction i.e. starts from most important information to less important one. Web readers have very less time and are always in a hurry so keep your message short, to-the-point and ensure its relevance.