J2ME Interview Questions

J2ME Interview Questions

  1. What is ETSI ?
  2. What is GSM ?
  3. What is FDMA ?
  4. What is 3GPP ?
  5. What is JSR?
  6. What is OTA?
  7. What is i-mode?
  8. What is MIDLet?
  9. What is LCDUI?
  10. What is 3G?
  11. What is MIDP?
  12. What is i-mode ?
  13. What is 802.11?
  14. What is atomic?
  15. What is KittyHawk?
  16. What is CDMA One?
  17. What is MIDlet suite?
  18. What is configuration?
  19. What is JDBC for CDC/FP?
  20. Does Tomcat support JMS ?
  21. What is MExE?
  22. What is Foundation Profile ?
  23. What is KittyHawk?
  24. What is J2ME WTK?
  25. What is 3G ?
  26. What is Obfuscation?
  27. What is WAP-Gateway?
  28. What is optional package?
  29. What is JDBC for CDC/FP ?
  30. What is Generic Connection Framework?
  31. What is the difference between Bytes Message and Stream Message?