JBOSS Interview Questions

JBOSS Interview Questions

  1. What is JBOSS?
  2. What is JBoss JBPM?
  3. File systems in Linux?
  4. How you secure a Linux box?
  5. What is JBoss cache in short?
  6. Port numbers for telnet and pop3?
  7. an I run Seam outside of JBoss AS?
  8. Difference between Hard link and Soft link?
  9. What do you need to set-up a cluster with JBoss?
  10. What version of JBoss AS do I need to run Seam?
  11. What is Container Specific Deployment Descriptor?
  12. What is the difference between Hibernate and EJB 3?
  13. What are the differences between EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.0?
  14. Why will I want to integrate Hibernate service into JBoss?
  15. Does Seam run on other application servers besides JBoss?
  16. Which component handles cluster communication in JBoss?
  17. In which file all the services of the JBoss will be configured?
  18. Can we change the primary group of a user after creating a user?
  19. How do you monitor JBoss and detect the bottleneck of an application?
  20. Where does all the logging related configuration is stored for the JBoss?
  21. What if you need to span your transaction across multiple Servlet invocations?
  22. Is it possible to put a JBoss server instance into multiple clusters at the same time?
  23. Which Component is used to handle clustering in JBoss, explain the Cluster handling as well?
  24. Where does the security domain information will be stored and what does the meaning of the Security Module?