JCL Interview Questions

JCL Interview Questions

  1. What is concatenating?
  2. What is a system data set catalog?
  3. What are the valid DSORG values?
  4. Which DD parameters are required?
  5. How can buffers be assigned to a DCB?
  6. What is the function of a DD statement?
  7. How can a stopped job be started again?
  8. What is the format of comment statement?
  9. What is the function of //CNTL statement?
  10. What is the purpose of REGION key word?
  11. How can an in-stream dataset be terminated?
  12. What is the function of DD DISP parameter?
  13. What is the function of JOB statement in JCL?
  14. What is the function of the DD DCB keyword?
  15. What is the purpose of DD * statement in JCL?
  16. What is the purpose of DD DUMMY statement?
  17. How can a job�s execution priority be modified?
  18. What is the function of the STEPLIB DD statement?
  19. What is the prefix character for symbolic parameter?
  20. What is the maximum length of a single line of JCL?
  21. How is the record format of an output dataset specified?
  22. What parameter directs the output of the job log dataset?
  23. What DD statement is used to supply the name of a dataset?
  24. What is the purpose of the �DD KEYLEN� parameter?
  25. What is the function of the �DD MODIFY� parameter?
  26. Where can program checkpoints be stored for use in a restart?
  27. How can return codes be tested before execution of a job step?
  28. Must tape dataset definitions include VOL=SER specifications?
  29. What statement can be used to send data to another MVS JES3 node?
  30. How can a JES3 operator command be entered through the job stream?
  31. How can the attributes of one SMS dataset be copied to another dataset?
  32. What statement marks the end of an in-stream or Catalogued procedure?
  33. How can values be passed from the job stream to an executable program?
  34. How can the disposition of sickout datasets be set for an entire job stream?
  35. How can a job send a status message to a TSO user at the completion of a job?
  36. How can the submitting user�s RACF authority be overridden in a job stream?
  37. Can an individual step be restricted from using all the job�s allowed CPU time?
  38. How can unused space allocation be returned to the system when a dataset is closed?
  39. What parameters can be used to limit the number of records written to a SYSOUT dataset?
  40. What parameter of the job statement is used to limit the CPU time consumed by the job?