Digital Marketing Training in India

Keyword Placement

Keyword Placement



1.Keywords in URL :

Keywords in URLs help a lot in getting better position in search engine result pages.


Where ?webdesigning?? is the keyword phrase where we attempt to rank well. But if we don’t have the keywords in other parts of the document, we don?t need to rely on having them in the URL.

Keyword PlacementThe domain name and whole URL plays an important role IN SEO process. The presumption is that if our web site is about cows, you will have ?cows?, ?cow?, or ?calf? as part of our domain name. For instance, if our web site is mainly about cow milk , it is much better to name your cow site ? than ?,

Because in the first case we? have two major keywords in the URL, while in the second one we have no more than one potential minor keyword. Don?t be greedy when hunting for keyword rich domain names. From search engine optimization point of view it is better to have 5 keywords in the URL. But if we imagine the URL by using 5 potential keywords it will be long and difficult to memorize. So we need to balance keywords in the URL and the site usability. So it is advisable to use less than or equal to 3 keywords in the URL.

Directory names and file names are also important. Often search engines will give preference to pages that have a keyword in the file name.

For instance is not as good as but is certainly better than The advantage of using keywords in file names over keywords in URLs is that they are easier to change, if you decide to move to another niche.

2.Keywords in anchor text :

If you have keyword in the anchor text in a link from another web site, this is regarded as getting a vote not only from this web site but also from your site in general but about the keyword in particular. So it is good to have anchor text for inbound links.

3.Keywords in headings (<H1>, <H2>, etc tags) :

Keyword in header tags counts a lot. But before placing ensure that the web page has actual text about the particular keyword. From literacy point of view headings separate paragraphs into related subtopics. From seo point of view it is good to have as many headings on a page as possible even though?? it may be pointless to have a heading after every paragraph, Especially if we have keywords in the headings.

Even though there is no technical length limits for the contents of <h1>, <h2>, <h3>,?. <h5> tags.

We need to be wise with the length of headings; too long headings are bad for page readability. Another issue we need to consider is how the heading will be displayed. Heading 1 (<h1>),? means larger font size? in this case it is recommendable to have less than 7-8 words in the heading, otherwise it might spread on 2 or 3 lines, which is not good.

4.Keywords in <ALT> TAGS :

Search engine Spiders don’t read images but they? read the? textual descriptions in the <alt> tags, so if you have images on your page, fill in the <alt> tag with some keywords about them.

5.Synonyms :

Synonyms are not taken into account when calculating rankings and relevancy in languages other than English. Optimizing for synonyms of the target keywords, in addition to the main keywords is good for those sites developed in English, for which search engines are smart enough to use synonyms as well when ranking sites.

Examples for Synonyms

(Christmas and Xmas) (Diwali and Dipawali)

6.Keyword Mistypes :

When searching for information using a particular keyword Spelling errors are very frequent and if you know that your target keywords have popular misspellings or alternative spellings. Targeting these misspelled keywords might get you some more traffic but having spelling mistakes on your website does not make a good impression, So it is better not to use these misspelled keywords in the content, but we can use them or try misspelled keywords in meta tags.

7.Secondary keyword :

Optimizing for secondary keywords can be a golden mine because when everybody else is optimizing for the most popular keywords, there will be less competition (and probably more hits) for pages that are optimized for the minor words. For instance, ?web designing in Hyderabad? might have thousand times less hits than ?web designing? but if you are operating in Hyderabad, you will get less but considerably better targeted traffic.

8.Keyword stemming :

In English we have words that stem from the same root.
Example :- ( dog, dogs, doggy)

If you have” JOKE” on your page, you will get hits for ?JOKES? and ?JOKER? as well, but for other languages keywords stemming could be an issue because different words that stem from the same root are considered as not related and you might need to optimize for all of them.

9.Keyword Dilution :

When webpage is optimized with an excessive amount of keywords, especially unrelated ones,this will affect the performance of all the keywords and even the major keywords will be lost or diluted in the text. So don?t target more keywords in one single web pag.

10.Keyword phrases :

Keyword phrases consisting of several words can be optimized in addition to keywords, e.g. ?Keyword Analysis?. It is best when the keyword phrases you optimize are popular ones, so you can get a lot of exact matches of the search string but sometimes it makes sense to optimize for 2 or 3 separate keywords (?keyword? and ?analysis?) than for one phrase that might occasionally get an exact match.