Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

?There are leaders and there are followers?, as the saying goes, and developing good leadership skills can create the distinction between the two. Many people believe a strong leader is born and not made. This is not necessarily the case. As with anything, educating yourself to encourage become a great leader or a person with superb leadership skills takes time, energy and commitment. A leader is a person who has strong principles, courage and dedication to a clear vision.

Leadership SkillsIn business, possessing high-quality leadership skills are a must for any interested individual to succeed on an executive level. Developing a powerful vision, building a strong team and bringing out the best in those you lead are key facets to experiencing success as a leader in your field or industry. Leadership Skills articles in the Career Series section of tutorials will assist you in becoming a disciplined, successful and effective leader.

People follow a great leader because leader is representative of the beliefs of a group. This person is often a well-principled individual who is focused on a common goal and eliminates excess fear and doubt. The followers of the leader often provide the necessary support for the team to advance and succeed in achieving their goals. An individual with good leadership skills will recognize and reward the team for the greater cause.

The Eleven steps for Leadership Skills

The following steps tell about leadership skills as they are taught within White Stag Leadership Development by those who learned from the program founders.

1.????? Getting and Giving Information

2.????? Understanding Group Needs and Characteristics

3.????? Knowing and Understanding Group Resources

4.????? Controlling the Group

5.????? Counseling

6.????? Setting the Example

7.????? Representing the Group

8.????? Planning

9.????? Evaluation

10.? Sharing Leadership

11.? Manager of Learning

Leadership Skills Role, Task, Responsibility, and Source of Power

  • The role of a leader is to inspire and create followers who are also self-leaders.
  • The task of a leader is to bring about constructive and necessary change.
  • The responsibility of a corporate leader is to bring about the change in a way that is responsive to the true and long-term needs of all stakeholders.
  • The greatest source of power available to a leader is the trust that derives from faithfully serving followers.

Leadership Style

Leadership style is the pattern of behavior used by a leader in attempting to influence group members and make decisions regarding the mission, strategy, and operations of group activities.

Leadership Positioning of a Leader

Anyone who gets a leadership position has not made it. It is only the beginning. Being a leader doesn’t make you one. After you get to be the leader of a group, you are going to have to do a lot to earn the acceptance of the group members and have an influence on their behavior.

To be a leader you have to be first to get into the mind of the prospect ? and then follow the strategies to stay there. The essential ingredient in securing the leadership position is getting into the mind first. The essential ingredient in keeping that position is reinforcing the original concept.

Article By: Yellesh Kumar – PGDM Aurora Business School