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White Hat Seo Black Hat Seo

White Hat SEO :

There are ethical and unethical practices in search engine optimization, Ethical practices are called as white hat seo. The opposite of bat hat seo is called as white hat seo. White hat seo includes some of these activities like arranging content in a clear hierarchy so that important? words and phrases are used as required .

Getting page views at any cost to your website is not a good tactic. It never works in the long run, even if it may work for a short while. Beware of any SEO company that recommends you employ any of these techniques.

White Hat Seo Black Hat SeoBlack Hat SEO:

Black Hat SEO includes things like keyword stuffing. The terminology ?Black Hat? in Black Hat SEO comes from the old cowboy western movies where all the bad guys wore black hats and all the good guys wore white hats. Cloaking is another black hat seo technique, Google will penalize sites that flagrantly buy and sell links. If you are buying or selling links: do it covertly & do it under the radar. Buying and selling links without the no follow tag is now officially a black hat SEO practice that is against Google?s Webmaster Guidelines.

Black hat SEO techniques usually include following characteristics:

  • breaking search engine rules and
  • Unethically presenting content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users.

Black hat SEO practices will actually provide short-term gains in terms of rankings, but if we are discovered utilizing these spammy Techniques on a Web site, we run the risk of being penalized by search engines.

Black Hat SEO Techniques To Avoid

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Invisible text
  • Doorway Pages

Website will be penalized by Search Engines? if the web pages are stuffed / placed with long list of?? keywords?? and nothing content else. Web masters try to put list of keywords in black text on a black back ground., and white text in white background? in order to attract more search engine spiders. When searchers search this page these keywords are not visible to them but? search engines read this keywords which is considered as black hat seo technique.

A door way page is a fake page which a user will never see., this page is created purely for search engine spiders and the web masters attempt to index these pages higher.
Black Hat Seo Techniques work? temporarily. It is better to stay? away from anything that even looks like Black Hat SEO.

Example : BMW car maker from Germany have been kicked out of the Google index for spamming.

The reason for the ban of BMW website is likely to be that have been caught employing a technique used by black-hat search engine optimizers: doorway pages. (Doorway page is stuffed full of keywords that the WEB SITE? feels a need to be optimized for; however, as opposed to real pages, this doorway is only displayed to the Googlebot. Human visitors will be immediately redirected to another page upon visit. )And that?s exactly what happened at

BMW almost immediately removed the pages after the news broke ,but it was too late . German BMW Web Site is now suffering with? ?Google death penalty?: a ban from almost any imaginable top search result, and a degrading of the Page Rank to the lowest possible value.

Penalty on BMW Website is a good example of what can happen to sites going against the Google webmaster guidelines ? no matter how big or important one might deem the web site.

So always remember ?If an SEO company? creates deceptive or misleading content on your behalf, such as doorway pages or ?throwaway? domains, your web site could be removed entirely from Google?s index.?

Google?s guidelines say webmasters should optimize for humans, not machines, because Google doesn?t like to be cheated. Many ethical SEOs provide useful services for website owners, from writing copy to giving advice on site architecture and helping to find relevant directories to which a web site can be submitted. But a few unethical SEOs have given the industry a black eye through their unfair practices like manipulating search engine results and doing aggressive marketing.