XHTML Interview Questions

XHTML Interview Questions

  1. What is XHTML?
  2. Why we use XHTML?
  3. Who Developed XHTML?
  4. Why is this XSLT important?
  5. What Is an XHTML Element?
  6. Why XHTML Modularization?
  7. How to create XHTML pages?
  8. How to Enter Element Content?
  9. Why Code Your Own XHTML?
  10. How to Get Ready For XHTML?
  11. Why do we need modular DTDs?
  12. What the benefits of XHTML are?
  13. What’s the advantages of XHTML?
  14. How to Close an XHTML Element?
  15. Why is this XSLT important inxhtml?
  16. How does HTML differ from XHTML?
  17. Differences between XML and HTML?
  18. What Is an XHTML Element Attribute?
  19. What Is the Latest XHTML Specification?
  20. Any other important new developments?
  21. Is XHTML Element Name Case Sensitive?
  22. What’s about an assumption with XHTML?
  23. How Many Tags Are Defined in XHTML 1.0?
  24. How To Validate XHTML Documents Online?
  25. What Does an XHTML Document Look Like?
  26. What Is the Relation between XHTML and DTD?
  27. What Is the Relation between XHTML and URL?
  28. What Tools to Use to View XHTML Documents?
  29. How to build a “Hello World” page. With XHTML?
  30. What Tools to Use to Write XHTML Documents?
  31. What Is the Relation between XHTML and HTML?
  32. What Is the Relation between XHTML and SGML?
  33. What are the differences between XML and HTML?
  34. How to Write the Opening Tag of an XHTML Element?
  35. XHTML should be the master storage format for my resources?
  36. Can we get down to practicalities. How do I create XHTML pages?
  37. What is conversion of existing HTML pages, especially bulk conversion?
  38. What about elements that don’t have a close tag, such as <IMG> and <hr>?
  39. How is XHTML better than HTML? Why would you want to use XHTML?
  40. What XHTML does it stand for? How is if different from HTML? Who developed it?