Firebird Interview Questions

Firebird Interview Questions

  1. How to deactivate triggers?
  2. How to write UDF s in Delphi?
  3. How to lock records in a table?
  4. How to change database dialect?
  5. How to debug stored procedures?
  6. How to detect the server version?
  7. How to move a multi-file database?
  8. How to configure events with firewall?
  9. How to activate all indexes in Firebird?
  10. How to disconnect the user connection?
  11. How to monitor Firebird server activity?
  12. How to load a file into database column?
  13. How to drop all foreign keys in database?
  14. How to repair a corrupt Firebird database?
  15. How to reorder the table columns (fields)?
  16. How to create a database from my program?
  17. How to do replication of Firebird databases?
  18. Is it possible to determine clients IP address?
  19. How to specify transaction or query timeout?
  20. How to open the database in exclusive mode?
  21. How to recreate the index on a Firebird table?
  22. How to extract metadata for the entire database?
  23. How do convert or display the date or time as string?
  24. How to pump the data from one database to another?
  25. What is command for supporting foreign key in Firebird?
  26. Why does reading require write privileges on database file?
  27. How to export data from database and import into another?
  28. How to determine who is and change the owner of database?
  29. What is the maximum number of rows in a table in Firebird?
  30. How to migrate Paradox, dBase or FoxPro database to Firebird?
  31. Is there some bulk load or other way to import a lot of data fast?
  32. How to prevent firebird.log file from filling up the disk partition?
  33. How to get a list of tables, views and columns in Firebird database?
  34. How to stop Super Server service on Linux using only Firebird tools?
  35. What is the best way to determine whether Firebird server is running?
  36. Is there an example how to configure UdfAccess setting in firebird.conf?
  37. How to detect applications and users that hold transactions open too long?
  38. How to tell Firebird to only accept conections from XYZ host or network?
  39. Is there an example how to configure ExternalFileAccess setting in firebird.conf?
  40. Can I concurrently access a Firebird database with embedded and with regular server?