How to improve Self Esteem easily

How to improve Self Esteem easily

How to improve Self Esteem easily

Everyone in life experience problems with self-esteem at certain times especially when they are in teens when they enter into the world by figuring out who they are and where they fit in the world. Now a day low self-esteem is causing a widespread problems in everyone?s life. People who are suffering from low self-esteem, it can affects negatively in every aspect of their life which may include their relationships, job and even their health. Those who have low self-esteem may feel as if no one will like them or accept them or are not capable of doing well in anything.

Self-esteem is nothing but how much one feel valued, accepted and loved and how well they thought of by other people. One should know how much they love, value and accept themselves which build self esteem in them. People those who have good self-esteem they are able to feel good about themselves, can appreciate their own worth, and will feel proud for their abilities, skills, and achievements.

How to improve Self Esteem easilyThere are some causes low self esteem which are considered as:

Loosing hope on one?s ability
Considering as looser and are not worthy to be cared by others
Always opting for safe methods instead of facing any risk they come across.
And always fears that they might be rejected by others
Often struggles for solving a problem
Poor reputation at work with irrational beliefs.
Never try to make good assessment of their own abilities and strengths and never received any compliments or appreciation from others.

But one can improve their self esteem very easily by following the below mentioned steps which are very much helpful in building confidence about themselves.

  1. To improve self esteem one must feel that they are valued and are worthy what ever happens in their life by accepting themselves and be happy to grow and improve without self-criticism.
  2. One should never feel guilty whenever you said NO for things you feel wrong and try to meet new people and make friendship with confidence.
  3. The most important aspect to be consider for improving Self Esteem is never try to compare yourself with other people since there might be some people who have more than you and some who have less. So one cannot defeat from their opponents if they fall into comparison.
  4. Evaluate about conditions or situations that deflate one?s self-esteem whether they might come across in business presentation or? crisis at work or home . With identification of such situations one can improve self esteem by paying attention and try to think about them though your thoughts and beliefs positive or negative and might be nothing.
  5. Always have an association with positive and supportive people to improve self esteem with their encouragement. One?s self esteem can be lowered when they are surrounded who degrade you and your ideas down.
  6. Recollect things when you did something new or achieved for the first time. It might be like passing your driving test despite being nervous. Because it builds confidence and being normal in you when you remember new things you achieved relieves nervousness, lack of self belief and high stress levels.
  7. Don?t put yourself down because it may leads to negative phrases about yourself and your abilities which lets your self esteem lowered. And try to avoid self deprecating comments whenever you speak of your career financial situation or may be personal relationships to improve self esteem levels.
  8. Everyone knows that exercise is great way to lose weight and stay fit, but it is also a source of improving self esteem. Since exercise affects in your attitude in a positive way so do an exercise that you enjoy doing.
  9. Get your self relaxed seriously because when you are properly relaxed, your brain is less emotional and your memory for good events works better since you stop thinking.
  10. Accepting compliments by responding with simple “thank you? you ever received builds your confidence and self esteem. And when you reject a compliment, the message you give yourself is that you are not worthy of praise.
  11. To enhance your self esteem use affirmations such as writing about yourself on a card and carrying it with you always by repeating the statement you wrote for several times during the day time and at night times. Whenever you say the affirmation, allow yourself to experience positive feelings about your statement.
  12. There are many workshops, books and cassette tape programs available on improving self-esteem which allows you to dominate mind and affect your behavior.
  13. By living your own life and being true to yourself you will gain self esteem instead of depending on the decisions of others those who decide about you where you never feel good and lose your respect if those decisions are not suitable for you and your self esteem gets lowered.
  14. Self-esteem increases when you are in work and activities that you enjoy and make you feel valuable.
  15. Inculcate the habbit of giving more by helping others around you It may not be money it can be a positive contribution you are giving them in need where you are valued more which lifts your spirits and raises your own self-esteem.