MS Sql Server Interview Questions

MS Sql Server Interview Questions

  1. Can We Insert Data into a View?
  2. Describe Microsoft SQL Server 2000?
  3. What Are NULL Values in MS SQL Server?
  4. How To List All User Names in a Database?
  5. How To List All Objects in a Given Schema?
  6. What are database states in MS SQL Server?
  7. How to Test ODBC DSN Connection Settings?
  8. How To See Existing Views in MS SQL Server?
  9. How to Test a DML Trigger in MS SQL Server?
  10. How To Rebuild All Indexes on a Single Table?
  11. Can You Use ORDER BY When Defining a View?
  12. What Is a Constant or Literal in MS SQL Server?
  13. How to Delete a Login Name in MS SQL Server?
  14. What Is Index Fragmentation in MS SQL Server?
  15. How To Verify a Login name with SQLCMD Tool?
  16. What types of Joins are possible with SQL Server?
  17. How to Verify the Port Number of the SQL Server?
  18. How to Concatenate Two Binary Strings Together?
  19. How To List All Login Names on the MS SQL Server?
  20. How to Enter Comments in Transact-SQL Statements?
  21. How to move database physical files in MS SQL Server?
  22. What To Perform Pattern Match with the LIKE Operator?
  23. How to List All Columns in a Table using odbc_columns ()?
  24. How to End a Stored Procedure Properly in MS SQL Server?
  25. What Happens If You Delete a Table That Is Used by a View?
  26. How to Define and Use Table Alias Names in MS SQL Server?
  27. How to Create a View on an Existing Table in MS SQL Server?
  28. How to Write a Query with a Full Outer Join in MS SQL Server?
  29. How To Change the Ownership of a Schema in MS SQL Server?
  30. How to Use Sub queries in the FROM Clause in MS SQL Server?
  31. How To Modify an Existing Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server?
  32. How To Create a Simple User Defined Function in MS SQL Server?
  33. How To Loop through Result Set Objects using odbc_fetch_row ()?
  34. How To Use Sub queries with the EXISTS Operators in MS SQL Server?
  35. How to Write Character String Constants or Literals in MS SQL Server?
  36. Can Multiple Columns Be Used in SQL GROUP BY Clause in MS SQL Server?
  37. How To Generate CREATE TABLE Script on an Existing Table in MS SQL Server?
  38. In SSIS, what is the difference between output columns and external columns?
  39. How To Generate Random Numbers with the RAND () Function in MS SQL Server?
  40. How to connect SQL Server Management Studio Express to SQL Server 2005 Express?