Selenium with C# Interview Question and Answers

Selenium with C# Interview Question and Answers

Selenium with C# Interview Question and Answers

Selenium with C# Interview Question and Answers: Selenium is a popular open-source tool used for automating web applications. It provides a set of APIs to interact with web browsers, allowing developers to simulate user actions like clicking on buttons, filling out forms, and navigating through pages. Selenium is widely used in test automation as it enables the creation of automated scripts that can perform repetitive testing tasks, which otherwise would require a lot of manual effort.

Selenium with C# Interview Question and Answers: In the context of C#, Selenium is often used in combination with the .NET framework to build robust test automation frameworks. C# provides a powerful object-oriented programming environment, making it a popular language for developing test automation scripts. By using Selenium with C#, developers can write tests that can run on multiple browsers and platforms, making it an ideal choice for web application testing, Here we are Providing Important Selenium with C# Interview Question and Answers.

What is Selenium?

Answer: Selenium is an open-source tool used for automating web applications. It provides a set of APIs to interact with web browsers, allowing developers to simulate user actions like clicking on buttons, filling out forms, and navigating through pages.

What is C#?

Answer: C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language designed to run on the .NET framework. It is a popular language for developing Windows applications and is widely used for web and mobile application development.

Why is Selenium with C# a popular choice for test automation?

Answer: Selenium with C# provides a powerful object-oriented programming environment, making it a popular language for developing test automation scripts. By using Selenium with C#, developers can write tests that can run on multiple browsers and platforms, making it an ideal choice for web application testing.

What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in Selenium?

Answer: An implicit wait is a time period set at the global level that instructs the Selenium driver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception. An explicit wait is used to wait for a specific condition to occur, such as an element to become visible or clickable.

How do you handle alerts in Selenium?

Answer: You can handle alerts in Selenium using the Alert interface. You can switch to an alert by using the switchTo() method and then use the accept(), dismiss(), or getText() methods to interact with the alert.

How do you handle dropdowns in Selenium?

Answer: You can handle dropdowns in Selenium using the Select class. You can create an instance of the Select class and then use the selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue(), or selectByIndex() methods to select an option from the dropdown.

How do you handle frames in Selenium?

Answer: You can handle frames in Selenium using the switchTo() method. You can switch to a frame using the frame() method or the index of the frame. Once you are in the frame, you can interact with the elements

What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in Selenium?

Answer: An implicit wait is a time period set at the global level that instructs the Selenium driver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception. An explicit wait is used to wait for a specific condition to occur, such as an element to become visible or clickable.

How do you handle alerts in Selenium?Answer: You can handle alerts in Selenium using the Alert interface. You can switch to an alert by using the switchTo() method and then use the accept(), dismiss(), or getText() methods to interact with the alert

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