Digital Marketing Training in India

Target Keyword Placement for Seo Ranking

Target Keyword Placement for Seo Ranking

Where to place our target keywords is going to depend on the Target market, and the search engine that will be ranking our web pages. One very important rule to remember is never use keywords repetitively for no apparent reason at all.? For instance, if our phrase is “keyword placement for Google ranking” do not pick a place on web page and say:

Keyword placement for google ranking, keyword placement for google ranking, keyword placement google ranking…. over and over again.

This is considered as spam technique and will get be recognized. Spam can penalize and even ban our web site from major search engines completely.

Target Keyword Placement for Seo RankingAs a general rule, Target keywords are typically placed within some or all of the following:

Domain Names

Navigational Structure

The Content of the web Page

Meta Title Tags

Meta Description Tags

Meta Keyword Tags

Alt Text

Heading Tags

Link Text

Anchor Text

Site Maps

404 Pages

Page Names

Some search engines will give keyword placed in some of these areas of our web page more weight than others but as long as these tags are used probably and not abused. Sometimes it’s necessary to place keywords in the beginning of the above mentioned areas, sometimes at the end and sometimes in the middle.

The most important seo rule to remember is that if it does not make sense to place a keyword somewhere, don’t do it, don?t place it, don?t make it spam.

Article by Seo Trainer and Consultant ? Hari Babu Dondapati