Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Interview Question and Answers

Best Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

Best Interview Questions And Answers for freshers

Here are some of the best interview questions and answers for freshers along with sample answers:

Can you tell me about yourself?
Sample Answer: Sure. My name is John and I recently graduated from XYZ University with a degree in computer science. During my studies, I completed several internships in software development and gained experience in languages such as Java, Python, and C++. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball and volunteering at a local animal shelter.

Why did you choose this field of study?
Sample Answer: I’ve always had a passion for problem-solving and technology, so pursuing a degree in computer science felt like a natural fit for me. I find it fascinating how technology is constantly evolving and the opportunities to innovate and create new solutions are endless.

What do you know about our company?
Sample Answer: From my research, I know that your company is a leader in the field of software development and has a reputation for creating innovative solutions for clients. I’m also aware that you work with a range of industries, including healthcare and finance, and that you have a strong commitment to employee development and growth.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Sample Answer: My strengths include my ability to work well in a team, my attention to detail, and my strong communication skills. As for weaknesses, I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist at times, which can sometimes lead me to spend too much time on certain tasks. However, I’m aware of this tendency and actively work to manage my time and prioritize my workload effectively.

Can you describe a time when you had to solve a problem?
Sample Answer: During one of my internships, I was tasked with fixing a bug in the company’s website that was causing issues for users. After identifying the problem, I worked with my team to come up with a solution and tested it thoroughly to ensure it was effective. The fix not only resolved the issue but also improved the overall user experience on the site.

How do you handle stress and pressure?
Sample Answer: When faced with stress and pressure, I try to remain calm and focused. I find that prioritizing my workload and breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps helps me stay organized and productive. I also make sure to take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

What are your long-term career goals?
Sample Answer: In the long term, I hope to become an expert in my field and make meaningful contributions to the industry. I’m also interested in leadership roles and hope to one day manage a team of developers.

Can you walk me through a project or accomplishment you are proud of?
Sample Answer: I’m particularly proud of a project I worked on during my studies where I developed a mobile app for a local nonprofit organization. The app helped the organization streamline their fundraising efforts and increased their donations by 20%. It was rewarding to see the impact my work had on the organization and the community they served.

How do you stay organized and manage your time?
Sample Answer: I use a variety of tools and techniques to stay organized and manage my time effectively. I rely heavily on my calendar and to-do list to keep track of deadlines and prioritize tasks. I also make sure to break down larger projects into smaller tasks and set realistic goals for myself.

What are some skills you are looking to develop or improve upon?
Sample Answer: I’m always looking to improve my technical skills, particularly in areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. I’m also interested in developing my leadership and communication skills as I progress in career.

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