What is DevOps and What are it's Uses

What is DevOps and What are it’s Uses

What is DevOps and What are it’s Uses

DevOps is a set of practices which is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools which increases an ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity.

DevOps aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high quality. It delivers and improves products faster than the traditional software development and infrastructure management processes.

According to some people DevOps is of four categories: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing (CAMS), and DevOps tools can aid in those areas.

The common DevOps methods which the organizations can use for fastly improve development and product releases. They take the form of software development methodologies and practices such as Scrum, Kanban, and Agile.

Benefits of DevOps :

There are several benefits of DevOps and some of them are :

  • Devops is Faster, and gives better product delivery.
  • It is one of the more stable operating environments
  • It is Fast in issue resolution and reduced complexity
  • It is Greater scalability and availability
  • DevOps gives greater automation
  • It is a better resource utilization
  • Devops is great in innovation
  • It has greater visibility into system outcomes.